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Shaker Auction – Sept. 10, 2016

Annual Shaker Auction
Saturday, September 10, 2016 at Noon
at the Hancock Shaker Village, Pittsfield, MA

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Absentee Bid Form

Thurs. Sept 8th: 11-5pm
Fri. Sept 9th: 10-5pm
Sat. Sept 10th: 9:30-11:30am

An exceptional collection of antique Shaker furniture & accessories. Rare Trustee’s desks, Signed Enfield, CT Tripod desk with drawing of a Shaker Brother, Exceptional Mt. Lebanon Revolver chair, Sister’s Sewing desk, Sewing Counters in paint, Sister’s Candlestand with Hancock history, small Trestle table & large Dining tables, many Cupboards, Beds on wheels, Sets of dining chairs, Tiger maple Elders rockers, Blanket chests, Sister’s oval carriers and oval boxes in original colors, painted pails, baskets, ephemera, spinning wheels, kitchen tools, textiles & clothing, Spool holders and spools. Many pieces with Shaker Provenance.


This year’s auction will also include many pieces from important collections, including Kippy Stroud, who started the Fabric Workshop & Museum in Philadelphia, Pa., where she exhibited some of the most famous contemporary artists in the last 40 years. She loved art and saw art in Shaker Antique furniture and accessories. She also sponsored “Kamp Kippy” on Mt. Desert Island in Maine, where selected artists, curators & museum directors could share the artists projects along with dinner, joining together to share their love of art. Kippy passed in 2015 and we miss her greatly. We appreciate what she did, and will continue to do so in the future to support the arts via the Fabric Workshop in Philadelphia.