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Inspirational Shaker Manuscripts

Included in our upcoming Shaker Auction are many fine examples of Shaker inspirational manuscripts. Our featured piece is this excellent Shaker Leaf Gift to Sister Eliza Sharp from Sister Polly Ann Reed, both of Mount Lebanon, NY.

For further information on our Upcoming Shaker Auction, click here.

“A Word of Love and blessing, From Abraham of Old, The Father of the Faithful, To Eliza Sharp. June 12th 1844.”

“Rejoice, O thou lovely Daughter of Zion, rejoice and be comforted, for thou art beloved of thy Mother, and blessed of all thy Parents in Heaven, And the Angels of the Most Holy Courts do, and shall forever sound for the holy praises in remembrance of thee, because of thy true faithfulness in thy blessed Mother’s gospel. Thou hast forsaken all for the sake of thy mother, and that thou mightst be found worthy of the blessing of thy God, and of thy Parents in Heaven And this thou hast received in full measure; and thou art in truth worthy. Thou art forever blessed by saints on earth and Angels in Heaven And thy loving Parents delight to make mention of thee and to call thee blessed in their sight. They have with pleasure confessed thee, before their Heavenly Father and Holy Mother to be a true and worthy heir to the Heavenly Kingdom of virtue and peace.”


“And when thou hast done with time, they will joyfully welcome thee to a happy mansion of endless glory there to rejoice with saints and Angels, and with the Holy Seraphs of Heaven sound loud shouts of glory, praise and honor, to thy Holy – Holy – Mother – forever! O then, thou blessed of thy Mother, lift up the head and be cheerful, for thy reward is glorious and thy Crown beautiful. And thou shalt ever be fed from the most holy fountain of endless blessings and unto thee shall be given a Royal Diadem of Heaven, and thy abode in the Heavenly world, shall be with that heavenly number who have made their robes white through tribulation, and the richest of heaven’s treasures shall be thine, for thou art found worthy of the heavenly kingdom of thy Holy and Eternal Parents.”

“Receive this, from good Father Abraham, sealed with my Most Holy Love, and blessing.”

Check back often to see more updates about the wonderful items in our upcoming Shaker Auction on Columbus Day, October 12th, 2015.