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Antiques & Estates Auction
Dog Hook Rug


If you would like to pickup your items:

Please call 781-834-7774 to arrange a meeting.
We are available Monday – Friday from 10:00 am – 4:30 pm


Sunday, December 2, 2018
Begins @ 11:00 a.m.
Saturday, December 1, 2018 @ 1 – 5 p.m.
Sunday, December 2, 2018 @ 9 – 10:30 a.m.


DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Logo

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Boston – Rockland
929 Hingham Street, Rockland, Massachusetts, 02370
USA TEL: +1-781-871-0545 FAX: +1-781-792-2873

[bold_title]CATALOG[/bold_title] [banner_simple link_url=”” title=”December 2, 2018 Auction – Free Online Catalog” subtitle=”Click Here to View” h_padding=”30px” v_padding=”50px” sep_padding=”15px” border_color=”#b39964″ bg_color=”none” bg_image=””  inner_stroke=”0″ title_color=”#fff” subtitle_color=”#fff”]
[bold_title]HOW TO BID[/bold_title]

Please note: all winning bids are subject to 20% Buyer’s Premium.
Please read our Conditions of Sale for more information.

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[bold_title]AUCTION PREVIEW[/bold_title]

Everything is all setup for preview at

DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Boston – Rockland
929 Hingham Street, Rockland, Massachusetts, 02370
USA TEL: +1-781-871-0545 FAX: +1-781-792-2873

[bold_title]AUCTION INFO[/bold_title]

Featuring an exceptional lifelong collection from Albany, NY area, and collections from Hingham, Marshfield, Duxbury, and Yarmouth, MA.

Large Sterling Silver collection: 18th and 19th c. Amer. & Cont. coin hollowware, sterling flatware boxed sets, sterling presentation pieces, rare spoons (over 40 lots), mkd Faberge, Tiffany & Cartier;

Fine Art inc. paintings & w/c’s: Fritz Vogt (3), Rockwell Kent, Luigi Bechi, Frederick J. Waugh, J. Noble Barlow, Fratelli Alinari, Emmett Fritz, Leon Pourtau, Nicolai Cikovsky (4), Edith Ballinger Price, Thomas Francis Wainewright, Charles Partridge Adams, Lilian MacKendrick, E.B. Warren, Walt Kuhn, Dean Fausett, Clara Greenleaf Perry, Norman Merritt, Mary Nugent, Helen Sherman; Folk Art w/c’s (Duke of York), silhouettes, Hingham Family Tree;

Bronzes: Auguste Rodin, Antonio Canova, Antoine-Louis Barye, Claude Michel Clodion;

Percussion flintlock rifles & pistols, pistol striker;

18th c. Maps: Boston Harbor, English Channel, New York, Netherlands, Austria;

Rare Glass: Bohemian coll. w/American scenes, Tiffany lamps, Aurene, 18th c. bottles; Redware & Decorated Stoneware;

Lighting: railroad lanterns, skaters lanterns, Betty lamp, rush light, tin hourglass, lamps (Tiffany), Dutch lanterns;

Woodenware: Hingham ptd. boxes, canteens, burl, trenchers, bowls, Hingham firkins;

Marine: scrimshaw, shorebird decoys (R. Freden), folk art shadow box, ship’s telescope & log book, ship’s barometer, sailor made objects, Nantucket basket, sea chests;

Ceramics: Rose Medallion, Chinese Export & Japanese vases, bowls, brush pot, plates, planters, Liverpool jugs, 20” Faience charger, cloisonné coll.;

Furniture: bed w/carved eagle headboard, pie safe, N.E. & PA tavern tables, hooded cradle, weaver’s bench, William & Mary ball foot chests, blanket chests, 18th c. Chippendale chests, 18th c. signed/dated highboy, 18th c. mini tip-top table, 18th c. grain ptd. pieces, bun foot child’s desk, small stands, thumbbacks, 19th c. cupboards & benches, chair table, hutch table, etc.;

Accessories: brass Standish, rare NY tavern sign, Springerle cookie molds (36” h), rare mechanical banks, Hingham needleworks, 18th c. embroidered vest, music boxes, fire buckets & fire bags, wood ice skates, cribbage board w/Masonic emblem, cigar boxes, bridal box, Dutch bronze mortar & pestle, E. Howard clocks, mirrors, hooked & Oriental rugs.

Sterling Silver

Sterling silver including Tiffany, Cartier, Gorham and more.

Skater Lamps and Lanterns

Skater’s lanterns in rare light amber yellow, emerald, amethyst, cobalt and more.

Bohemian Glass

Very rare Bohemian glass paneled with various American and German scenes, including Trenton Falls, NY, Pavilion at the Congress Spring, Lake George, and more.